Species worldwide are on the move. Whether they are moving naturally to track their climatic optimum or being moved by human trade, there is a growing concern by the public that species movement will have negative effects to the native ecosystem and/or to human society (1). However, in some cases, the concern is instead simply sensationalism. Emblematic of this is the recent fervor over the spread of Joro spiders (Trichonephila clavata) in the eastern United States. Although Joros are invasive—having been spread to the United States from Asia sometime around 2014 (2)—they likely do not pose a significant threat to the native ecosystem nor to human health (3).
Because of their ballooning dispersal method, which is prevalent in many species (4), and their large size, headlines of “giant, flying, venomous spiders” have dominated the news cycle in eastern North America (5). Accompanying this has been massive public outcry across the North American continent, in the news, and on social media. This highlights a need for journalists and editorial boards to temper their language to prevent sensationalism in our era of rapid, human-caused change. For example, to the untrained eye Joro spiders superficially resemble many of the native orb-weaver spiders that are present throughout North America, which could result in people killing native orb-weavers rather than Joro spiders. This logic can be applied to any number of invasive species that may look like a species native to the region they are invading, or to species that are naturally shifting their geographic range—which are considered native (6).
Instead of sensationalizing the spread of Joro spiders, or any other species for that matter, the news media needs to be honest with readers instead of opting for click-bait headlines. In the case of Joro spiders, the truth is that millions of them are not floating in the skies of New York City or Boston and dropping in like paratroopers. They are slowly spreading northward, resemble many of our native orb-weaving spiders, and will not harm the public or their pets.
For the sake of public perception of science and the media, we all must choose language that is commensurate with reality, rather than with the physical appearance or dispersal method of a species.
1. G. T. Pecl, M. B. Araújo, J. D. Bell, J. Blanchard, T. C. Bonebrake, I. C. Chen, T. D. Clark, R. K. Colwell, F. Danielson, B. Evengård, L. Falconi. Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: impacts on ecosystems and human well-being. Science 355, eaai9214 (2017).
2. E. R. Hoebeke, W. Huffmaster, B. J. Freeman. Nephila clavate L Koch, the Joro spider of East Asia, newly recorded from North America (Araneae: Nephilidae). PeerJ, 3, e763 (2015).
3. A. Chuang, J. F. Deitsch, D. R. Nelson, M. I. Sitvarin, D. R. Coyle. The Joro spider (Trichonephila clavat) in the southeastern U.S.: an opportunity for research and a call for responsible journalism. Biological Invasions 25: 17–26 (2023).
4. J. R. Bell, D. A. Bohan, E. M. Shaw, G. S. Weyman. Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, phylogenies, genetics and models. Bulletin of Entomological Research 95, 69–114 (2005).
5. M. Stallone. “Giant, flying Joro spiders coming to NYC area this summer: ‘stuff of your nightmares’” Fox 5 New York, 5 June 2024; https://www.fox5ny.com/news/joro-spiders-nyc-giant-flying-nyc-new-jersey-summer.
6. M. C. Urban. Climate-tracking species are not invasive. Nature Climate Change 10, 382–384 (2020).